Video Marketing on Social Media Statistics 2016
Survey: Video Marketing on Social Media
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Have you watched branded video adverts on social media i.e. company videos as opposed to personal videos?
We found that video ads are consumed in great volume by social media users. More than half of users (55%) say they’ve spent time on social media watching branded video ads.
Have you followed/liked a company’s social channel after watching one of their video advertisements on social media?
We found that brands use videos to help build their social audience. 43% of userssay that, having watched an ad, they’ve gone on to like or follow that brand.
Have you visited a company’s website after watching one of their video advertisements on social media?
We found that video ads drive web traffic. More than three-quarters (76%) of users have visited a company’s website after watching one of their video ads on social media.
Have you bought a product or service after watching a video advertisement on social media?
We found that social media video ads drive sales. More than 4 in 10 social users (41%) say they’ve bought a product or service after watching a video ad on social media.
Thinking about a typical scroll down your social media news feeds, how much video content would you say you see now when compared to 12 months ago?
We found that video is becoming more prominent on social media. More than 57% of users report seeing more video content on their social media news feeds than they did 12 months ago.
Would you watch a video advertisement if you saw it on your social media news feed?
We found that a large portion of users will actively choose to watch a video ad. 42% of users would actively choose to watch an ad they saw on their news feed.
Would you share a video advertisement if you saw it on your social media news feed?
We found that many users WILL share video ads. More than one in five users (24%)would be willing to share a video ad they saw on their news feed.
Are you more likely to watch a video advertisement that a friend has shared?
Users trust their friends’ judgement when it comes to video ads. 69% say they’d be more likely to watch a video ad their friend had shared.
Are you more likely to watch a video advertisement that a brand you follow has posted?
Users are more likely to watch video ads posted by their favourite brands. Over half (56%) say they’d be more likely to watch an ad posted by a brand they already follow or like.
Do you prefer video advertisements over photo-only adverts?
Users value the immediacy of photo-only adverts… Only just over a quarter of users (27%) say they prefer video ads to photo-only.
Do you prefer video advertisements over text-only adverts?
People like the simplicity of text-only adverts… 61% say they’d rather see a text-only advert than a video.
Are you more likely to share a video advertisement rather than a static advert?
People like to share video ads… Over a third of users (34%) say they’d be more likely to share a video ad than a static advert.