Video Advert Statistics 2020

There’s nothing new about advertising; but what is new – and potentially very exciting – is the way modern video advertising lets brands reach highly targeted audiences with beautiful, engaging video content. But what’s the real impact of video ads? To find out, we surveyed 152 people in August 2020, to gauge their feelings…
Video Advert Statistics
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More than two-thirds of people recalled seeing a video ad while browsing online during the past week (20% more than recalled seeing a static, banner or display ad)
Audiences who had viewed video ads in the past week were 26% more likely to remember the product/service being advertised, than those who had viewed a static ad.
Audiences are around 17% more likely to buy a product or service as a result of watching a video ad, than as a result of seeing a static ad.
45% of people say they’ve gone on to buy a product or service which they first discovered by watching a video ad.
56% of consumers believe investing more in video ads is a good choice for brands.
78% of audiences believe video ads need to make sense both with, and without, sound on.
57% of people say video ads are more likely to convince them of the value of a product or service than a static ad.
On average, video ads hold audience attention around 11% more effectively than static ads.
Video ad platforms: Where do people most commonly engage with video ads?

When asked to identify all the platforms they’ve seen video ads on, there was a fairly wide response rate…

Facebook (55%) and YouTube (54%) were the clear winners, while people had also seen video ads on Google (26%) Twitter (8%) and LinkedIn (3%). Other people referenced seeing video ads in other locations such as mobile games/apps, Instagram and Pinterest.

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When asked to identify the platforms where they felt they most commonly saw video ads, Facebook and YouTube again dominated with 36% and 30% of responses respectively, with Google also clocking up 10%.

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Where next?

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