Sales Video Statistics 2020

Sales is a tough gig – and video is often pitched as a key tool in helping to build confidence, overcome objections and drive sales numbers. But just how effective is it? To find out, we surveyed 212 people in June 2020, to ask them how they felt about video as a sales tool.
Sales Video Statistics
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85% of sales and marketing professionals feel that sales and marketing could work better together in their business.
89% of sales and marketing professionals believe marketing supports the sales function in their business ‘quite well’ or ‘very well’.
More than 1 in 10 (11%) don’t feel that marketing supports the sales function in their business well at all.
94% of people feel video is a good way to build confidence during the sales process.
91% of people feel video is a good way to proactively overcome objections in the sales process.
86% of people believe that video content helps their audience feel that they will be supported post-sale.
89% of people believe their business would benefit from using more video in the sales process.
So why aren’t companies using more video as part of the sales process?
Sales Video Statistics
59% of people say they lack time to create more video. 38% of people say video is too expensive. 19% of people say they’re unclear on the ROI of video. 16% of people don’t know where to start with creating video. 14% say they can’t convince key decision makers of the value of video. And just 9% of people say they don’t feel video is needed.
In other words – 89% of people would like to make more video to support the sales process, but (for various reasons) aren’t able to do so…

Where next?

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